Saturday 7 January 2017

Tariq Drabu Offers Tips to Reduce Sensitivity Caused by Braces

Tariq Drabu is the owner of the Langley Dental Practice and a leading dentist and specialist oral surgeon. He advised that teens and adults are both getting braces to straighten their teeth, correcting any misalignment. He also mentioned that when patients first get braces and sometimes after each correction, the teeth can become a little sensitive and uncomfortable, but there are a few things that patients can consider to reduce this sensitivity.

Ice packs

The first thing that Tariq Drabu recommends is to have some ice packs in the freezer and ready. You can use a bag of peas or have some ice cubes rolled in a cloth. Hold the ice packs on the sensitive area to help numb the discomfort.

Salt Water

Another recommendation by Tariq Drabu to ease sensitivity caused by braces is to rinse the mouth and the area with salt water. Salt water is a fantastic disinfectant, but it can also help numb the area slightly. It is also effective if you have had something caught in your tooth which caused the pain, the salt water can rinse the area to remove the risk of infection or gum disease as a result.

Eat softer foods

What patients must realise when they first get braces is that their mouth, teeth and gums have to become accustomed to the braces. Sensitivity is common when braces are first placed on the teeth, which means eating crunchy or chewy foods can increase the discomfort the patient is feeling. Tariq Drabu recommends that patients opt for softer foods for a few days until the discomfort subsides. They can then start adding to their diet until they are completely comfortable with their braces.

Teething rings

Now you wouldn't expect to see an adult chewing on a baby teething ring, but Tariq Drabu advised that a cold teething ring, which has been in the freezer can be very effective to reduce the sensitivity caused by braces. Teething rings are cheap and can be purchased in any baby store. Place the ring in the freezer until it is very cold and then hold it on the area to help ease the pain.

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